Friday, October 31, 2014

Almost ready...

DAVE LOWE DESIGN the Blog: Finished

Dave Lowe is super talented and he has created some of the props used on the Hallmark Channel.  We don't get that channel here in Canada but I do follow his blog and you really should check out the original post (HERE) and watch the video... unreal!  A lot of work but the results are STUNNING!

DAVE LOWE DESIGN the Blog: Countdown to Halloween Day 30 - The Finished "Hau...: The "Home and Family" show's set front yard decor is done. You may remember I posted about the plan for it a few weeks back (c...

Ghost Fashion

Pumpkins are done!

It's here - finally! October 31st. The best day of the year! The day when all little ghouls and goblins get to venture out in their costume, clutching a bag which will soon be filled with treats. Yesterday we did some final decor - carving the pumpkins! What fun - a bit cool in the backyard on the deck but the results are totally worth it. 

One of the pumpkins is sporting some new plastic teeth that we picked up at a Halloween Convention a few years ago.  We're using tri-colour multi-flash lights to give the pumpkins a fun colour rotation.
And now here they are with the fancy lights at dusk...

My Muse Can Beat Up Your Muse: Halloween: I Win

Not something I would put in my garden but I do think it is MUCH better than the traditional pink...

My Muse Can Beat Up Your Muse: Halloween: I Win: My friend Dava sent me what just might be the coolest Halloween decoration ever: ZOMBIE LAWN FLAMINGO...