While out running errands last weekend we stopped into a new local tattoo shop because they were finally open when we were around (strange hours these shops keep!), chatted with the artist, looked at some of his work and found "THE DESIGN".
I'm not kidding.
This is the PERFECT design. I love bats, I am all things Halloween and the "stone style" is just awesome. I had never seen anything like it but when I looked at the idea sheet I knew this was the design for me. That left me with only having to decide on the placement. We went home, put our purchases away and did some mock-ups for possible placement. After contemplating different areas that could host this wicked design. Many ladies like to have a tattoo on their shoulder, their ankle or low down on their back but I'm the type of person who wants to be able to actually see and enjoy my ink. Why put it in a place where I will have to use a mirror to see it? Nah, not gonna happen. I chose to have it done on the inside of my left calf, strange perhaps but it fits me perfectly.
This is a photo of the finished outline. Even at this stage it looks freakin' awesome!
A tattoo is a permanent marking. It needs to mean something to the person who has it inked onto them. Since I have an eternal love for all things Halloween it really fits my personality and lucky for me it also fits my love of bats. And if I decide to add on to it (a pumpkin, background silhouette bats, etc) the possibilities are endless!
And this is the finished product. Doesn't it look FANGTASTIC?? Sorry, a groaner I know!
As per our usual course, we have named this new Halloween icon - everyone meet my bat, Swoop. OMG Pardon my black slouchie sock! I forgot I had those on when I took this photo.