I suffer from arachnophobia. Seriously suffer. Pathologically arachnophobic. The smallest spider sends me screeching. And I'm not alone. In Western societies as many as 55% of females and 18% of males are estimated to experience arachnophobia. But I love cobwebs. I think cobwebs are amazing and I can appreciate the work that went into making a good web but I fear spiders. Weird eh?
The other thing I don't like is candy corn. I love to look at it but I hate the way it tastes. Makes for a wonderful project like the filled bottles you see in the photo, but I just can't stomach the thought of eating it. I know some people just LOVE it so maybe my taste buds are just not impressed when there are chocolate bars and other goodies waiting to be consumed. If you want to see how these bottles were created, check out the HOW TO
Now if I could get the spiders to eat all the candy corn my world would be a happier place!