Did you know there are 1,200 known species of bats? Bats can be as large as a small dog or as small as a bumblebee! The bumblebee bat has a wingspan of 15cm and can weigh up to 2 grams! Now that is tiny!
I love bats (so much so I even have a bat tattoo). Did you know that 2011/2012 is the 'Year of the Bat'? The two-year long global species campaign is set to be promoted through numerous events throughout the world.
Bats are important pollinators of many plant species. Some are primary consumers of nocturnal insects and can consume up to 100% of their body mass per night -- that's a lot of insects!!
Check out the full link (with videos too!) HERE
In the event that you find a bat outside on the ground remember that it should NOT be touched with bare hands. Contact a wildlife rehabilitator in your area or check out Batworld.org for locations and more information or call the Bat World Sanctuary.