Saturday, October 25, 2014

Easy Halloween Bowling Game DIY

I came across this idea while looking for Styrofoam heads (we use them to display our Halloween masks). I love the bolts and stitching on the guys and the ladies look wonderfully creepy in their veils.  What a super idea and once you see how easy it is you might just give it a try!

Check out the fully post and DIY details HERE

Tonight is the night of our annual Halloween Party.  The theme this year is a Halloween Tea Party.  Since we both love tea and we try to use a theme.  It makes it a bit easier to plan things out and create stuff if you have a theme - at least for us! 

We gave out teapot shaped boxes with a teabag inside which contained the party details on it.  People loved them!  Even those crazy coffee-lovers!  We're having tea sandwiches and nibbles and cute little desserts too.  I've got a bunch of lovely teapots and teacups from my collections to help with the decor.  I think it's going to be a fun evening. 

Just a few more things to finish up this morning and then I can start getting ready.  Bring on the makeup, the costumes and the food!  Party time!